‚Wie lang ist die Ewigkeit? Manchmal nur eine Sekunde.‘
Alice im Wunderland, Lewis Carroll
Unvergessliche Momente
Die wertvollsten Momente, an die wir uns erinnern, dauern manchmal nur Sekunden. The Rabbit möchte diese Augenblicke für Ihre Kinder, für Sie als Eltern, Familie und Freunde festhalten. The Rabbit bietet maßgeschneiderte Unterstützung an, abgestimmt auf Ihre Wünsche, Traditionen und in Einbezug von neuen Trends.
Internationale Kinderparties
The Rabbit deckt das gesamte Kinderpartyspektrum ab und arbeitet mit ausgewählten Kooperationspartnern, damit sich Familien auf das Fest, Ihre Kinder und Ihre Gäste konzentrieren können. Dies gilt vor allem auch für internationale Familien, die vielleicht Orientierungshilfe in Wien benötigen. Zusätzliche bietet The Rabbit auch Baby Showers an, um Eltern vom Anfang Ihrer neuen Reise begleiten zu dürfen.
Leistungsangebot für Ihre Kinderparty
The Rabbit bietet maßgeschneiderte Kinderparties und Kindergeburtstage im Raum Wien an:
Konzept und Budgetplanung
Gesamtpakete oder auch nur Accessoires (Location Suche, Buchung von Kinderanimation,..) für Kindergeburtstage zu Hause und an externen Kinderparty Locations
Spielideen und Animation inklusive Empfehlung und Koordinierung von externen Dienstleistern: Clowns und Zauberer, Bastelworkshops, Multimedia Firmen, Sportexperten, Photographen, Kindermodedesigner für Kostüme und vieles mehr
Food Catering für Kinder und Erwachsene
Dekoration und Blumenarrangements
Maßgeschneiderte Accessoires: Einladungen, nachhaltige Gastgeschenke und externe Kinderparty location Beratung inklusive Hotels in Wien
Baby Showers
The Rabbit legt großen Wert auf interaktive Spielideen für Kinder, umweltbewussten Umgang mit Materialen vor allem bei Dekoration, und nachhaltigen Gastgeschenken. Für Inspirationen, check out The Rabbit Blog!
Thinking about your child’s upcoming birthday and how you’re going to celebrate their special day! Perhaps you’re feeling overwhelmed, not sure where to begin. Perhaps you’re feeling under too much pressure and the occasion is losing some of its sparkle. Fear not, The Rabbit is here to help! Read on to find out how.
Yours truly, The Rabbit!
Where is the rabbit?

Kids’ theatre workshops – an inspirational activity
in blog/von Hannah Zeibig-WalkerTheatre plays offer multi-faceted activities for all and for any occasion! The Rabbit wishes you a joyful holiday season, plenty of family time and perhaps you might even want to take part in your kids’ theatre play at home, why not!
Easter crafts – easy and fun
in blog/von Hannah Zeibig-WalkerCrafts with kids is most successful, for all involved, if preparation and actual crafting is easy. Key is the kids‘ imagination and creativity! Enjoy!
Walking and Talking
in blog/von Hannah Zeibig-WalkerThe concept is currently experiencing a revival and rightly so. Management journals have been talking about it for decades, but it does wonders for you and your family too.
…and action!!!!
in blog/von Hannah Zeibig-WalkerIt does not need to be a Hollywood production to be successful! Kids’ imagination and creativity is a powerful driver and given their determination it will be an exciting movie!
Christmas arts and crafts special! Enjoy!
in blog/von Hannah Zeibig-WalkerEmbrace the season to spend some time with your kids crafting some fun ideas! Remember, the journey is the goal. Crafting allows time to talk. Or just listening to audio storybooks or music.
I won! Sorry!
in blog/von Hannah Zeibig-WalkerEver been in the situation where you are playing a really fun and exciting game with your kids, all is super, all are involved and laughing?! Then the inevitable happens, someone wins, and well, someone else loses!
Keeping in touch with video calls – fun if set up right!
in blog/von Hannah Zeibig-WalkerKeeping in touch with one’s friends is crucial, for young and old. Video calling is an amazing tool to do just that, and a good and safe set up is easily done.
What to serve at kids’ parties? The golden middle …
in blog/von Hannah Zeibig-WalkerKids are easy to please, as in they are much less fussy than one might believe. Focus on the essentials, good quality ingredients and keep the options manageable for your young guests.
Sorting, donating, recycling and up-cycling …
in blog/von Hannah Zeibig-WalkerAdmittedly many of us live in excess, hence there should be regular clear out sessions! Why not introduce your kids to this somewhat liberating and definitely stimulating exercise!
Brain teasers, quizzes, rhymes, jokes…. kids just cannot get enough!
in blog/von Hannah Zeibig-WalkerWhy not dive into the world of books and see what other activities can be combined?
Arts & Crafts – a balancing act!
in blog/von Hannah Zeibig-WalkerArts & Crafts really offers an entire universe of options. And perhaps because of that, it can be somewhat daunting!
Games – ready, steady, go!
in blog/von Hannah Zeibig-WalkerGames – ready, steady, go! There is no need to rack your brain as to which game is most suitable for your kids. Think about what you played back when you were little or ask your siblings or parents.
Cooking with kids – fun and just a little messy!
in blog/von Hannah Zeibig-WalkerCooking with kids – fun and only a little messy! The kitchen is my castle, and I am not easily prepared to give it up! So handing it over to kids requires certain preparation and basic rules for all.
The Rabbit’s 1st edition of Kids at home! What to do?
in blog/von Hannah Zeibig-WalkerThe thought of being stuck at home for several weeks with your kids can be somewhat daunting. But don’t despair!
It’s your party
in blog/von jakobRemember it’s your child’s party! Make the most of it while you can – before you know it, your child will no longer want you involved! So make sure planning their party is a memory to treasure and not a chore to endure!
The numbers game
in blog/von jakobWe have all been there! How many kids to invite to the party?! Ask your child who should be invited and the list becomes seemingly endless and your initial parental enthusiasm vanishes quickly!
Kids parties‘ – it is all about location!
in blog/von jakobBefore you enter the game of higher, better, faster – which will determine the location you need for your party – do reflect on what your child enjoys most!